Mindful Munching: Delicious Recipes for Intuitive Eating
Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian

Mindful Munching: Delicious Recipes for Intuitive Eating

Have you ever wanted to eat without worrying about every calorie or following strict diet rules? Well, you’re in the right place! That’s why I’ve put together this list of intuitive eating recipes anyone can enjoy.

Intuitive eating is all about listening to your body and eating what feels right for you, without guilt. This approach is especially helpful for those looking to move away from disordered eating and chronic dieting habits.

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Mindful Eating vs. Intuitive Eating: Complementary Paths to a Healthier Lifestyle
Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian

Mindful Eating vs. Intuitive Eating: Complementary Paths to a Healthier Lifestyle

Are you ever overwhelmed by the endless advice on what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat, especially when trying to lose weight? Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of dieting, feeling frustrated and disconnected from your body's true needs? 

If so, you're not alone. 

Even better, understanding the principles of mindful eating and developing healthy eating behaviors can be the key to escaping this cycle.

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Introduction to Mindful Eating
Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian Mindful Eating Emily Haddock, Dietitian

Introduction to Mindful Eating

What exactly is "mindful eating"? It is essentially the opposite of “mindless eating”, which involves little thought or intention, often driven by external factors like boredom, emotional changes, environment, time of day, and diet culture.
Mindful eating is about fully engaging with our meals and understanding the physiological aspects of eating. This practice influences our eating habits and behaviors, fostering a healthier relationship with food.

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